Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Quite some time ago,while i was out on patrol, i had made a mistake which most seasoned regulars would consider a stupid mistake. I shan't elaborate on what exactly it was but the thing is,this was really a genuine mistake not intended to cause harm to anybody. I was not out to "sabo" anyone or get anybody into trouble. Sadly though,i was sort of scolded for the mistake that i had made that day and well,i accepted it,because it was my fault. Thereafter,i missed several shifts because i had taken off as well as gotten involved in an excercise. This made me absent from my shift for about a week. I finally returned back to shift work once again today and i greeted everyone with excitement,as though i had not seen them for a long time. Sadly though,my happiness was to be shortlived..One of my fellow colleagues had actually came up to me and informed that since that incident,while i was away from the team,he had heard some people bringing up that incident and passing remarks like "i thought he has been in the team for quite sometime,yet he still made the mistake". When i heard all these,my heart suddenly just sank and i kept questioning him who were the people he was referring to. He gave me one or two names however i was certain that there was more than meets the eye. I was upset,because i felt that the mistake was really a trivial one yet,they had made it seem as though it was a catastrophe. I was upset because behind my back,they had made such comments about me and i feel that i do not deserve such treatment. Yes,it is true that i am a national serviceman,but don't i deserve the same type of treatment and respect as the others? To think that i have always been helping out whenever i can and putting on the best performance that i have to offer. To think that many a times,they had thanked me for my help and appeared as though they had appreciated my presence in the team. Sadly,just a mistake like this has brought out a different form of treatment from them. Nevermind the help all along,one mistake just seems to have erased everything away. I'm really disappointed to be a part of all these,to have been able to see the ugly side of human politics..One moment,they can be your frens,yet the next moment,they will stab u in the back and turn away from you. I guess this is the truth in the outside world..All our innocence have already been taken away and people no longer treat one another with sincerity,do watch out for the hidden knives. Now all i hope is for myself to ORD real soon,to leave this place that does not appreciate me,i have really seen enough.


Blogger Y0uH0 said...

thank you,whoever you are=)

12:01 AM  

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