Saturday, September 02, 2006

01/09/06- An incident at home

It's the 2nd of sept today and this is what happened yesterday.....

At the dinner table yesterday,i had an argument with my brother because today,my family was supposed to go to the air force open house together but he had insisted that he would not be going as he had wanted to play computer. Apparently,he had stated that if the family went to the open house in the morning,he would go. But if we were to go in the afternoon around 3pm which we had earlier planned,he would give it a miss. You guys may think that there is no point in me getting angry and that i should let him do as he wished.(stay at home and play computer) Thing is,i was irritated by the fact that he put his priority upon computer games rather than spending time with his family. It was not as though we did not allow him to play the computer. I Infact,he has the whole day to do so. All we are asking for is that since it is a weekend,why not spend some time with the family. He just kept insisting that he wants to stay at home no matter what. I then told him that if he wanted to stay at home,it was fine with me. But i would bring the computer cables along with me to the open house so that he would not be able to operate them. He then cut in and said that if i did so,do not expect to see him at home when we came home later at night. He said that he has the money and there was more than just 2 computers in the whole of singapore.I took it that he would go to a lan shop and play if we deprived him of the chance to play the computer. I then told him that it was fine with me if he wanted to do so and he could also go and do anything for all i care. He then shot back and me and commented that since when have i become the head of the house.
I was really very pissed off by the fact that not only did he want things to go by his way only,he also had no respect for me as an elder brother. I questioned my mother about the reasons why he became like that. I was disappointed in the fact that they had always let him have things his way till the extent that if he wants things to go a particular way,then he must have it that way. He no longer considers the consequences of his actions and from what i observed, he does not even show respect to me or my parents.There are times when we try to talk to him and he does not even acknowledge our presence.But i was the most disappointed with the fact that he prioritised computer games over family,being able to play computer games for 5-6hrs straight at a time.

After sometime,i managed to cool down and while he was still in his room playing computer games(as usual),i went to have a talk with my mother about the matter. I shared my views with her and told her that i was concerned with the way that he was behaving.I told her that the rate at which he is playing is alarming. It is like his whole world revolves around computer games and nothing else,that he can just shut the rest of the world out. I told her that things were getting out of hand and perhaps she or my father could talk to him about the matter. She told me that she would try to but other than that,she would only hope that someday he can outgrow it all and change. I then told her that most of the time,a person would change only when some things happened in life. I was afraid that by then it would be too late. I was afraid that by shutting everything out and focusing only upon his computer games and his internet gaming friends,he has neglected the fact that family ties are the most important and that we are the people that he can trust the most in the world. I was also afraid that he would just keep things all to himself and even if something happened to him, we as his family members also would have no clue about it. Seems to me that after cooling down and thinking things through,my anger has turned into more of a concern. I have told him numerous times that he could talk to any of us if he has any problems and that he should always put family first before anything. Everytime,he would appear as though he understood what i meant but things would just be the same. As for now,i think i can just only hope he would change someday...change before he becomes too distant from the family and starts becoming bad.And guess what,he just turned on the computer to play games again...sigh..


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