Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I headed for the zoo that day as planned at about 2pm. On my way there,it started to pour. On one hand,it meant that i would not be able to take a walk within the zoo itself due to the weather but on the other,as seen from a christian point of view,the rain meant that it was God himself showering blessings upon me. Well,i chose to be positive and ended up believing in the latter. Upon arrival,i enquired with the visitor services booth and was handed a form for me to fill up.I realised that there were some sections i had to leave blank mainly because i had no prior working experience and the skills and awards that i had received were rather limited.Thereafter,i was put through a one to one interview with one of the zoo staff whom i believed was a seasoned show presenter as i seemed to have seen her before,perhaps on one of my trips to the zoo. The bulk of the interview was mainly about she listing out the job expectations and scope as well as enquiring about the reasons for my application etc. Then came the part where i was asked to read a passage off the night safari brochure. Things went along rather fine until i encountered some problems with one of the words in the passage. Guess i was just too nervous till i was unable to pronounce it properly. Anyway,i finally got over it after correcting myself about once or twice. Thereafter,she explained that if i were to get through this initial round of interview,i would be given a chance to pair up with one of the professionals for about 3-7days as i try to learn the ropes of outdoor presenting. Thereafter,i would be put through a second round of interview where i am supposed to decide if after the brief attachment,i still find the job suitable for myself. If i make it through then,i would then be able to join the zoo as an outdoor presenter. As for now,the road ahead seems unknown. She only told me that she would contact me by this friday to inform me of the outcome. Nothing more was mentioned. I now eagerly await for friday to come,without any knowledge about how well i had faired during the interview. From my point of view,it was rather alright. Only problem was the passage part as well as the part when i was asked if i had any questions. As usual,at the spur of the moment,i was unable to think of any so i just said no. Hopefully she would not put too much emphasis on them but instead give me an oppurtunity for me to prove myself and see if i am cut out for the job. As for now,i can only wait,and believe that it was God's blessings that rained down upon me the other day.


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