Friday, November 23, 2007

Some developments...

I know this entry is rather overdue and babe has been pressing me for an update, so here it is!

Lately i've been up to literally nothing.. i am serious. Despite the fact that i am now in university, going for lectures week in and week out, the whole exam stress has yet to catch up with me and i have not really gotten the motivation to study YET. Kept telling myself that i have to revise my work, but being the lazy and active me who just can't sit still let alone flip through the countless pages of notes, i just can't start my momentum going. Perhaps someone has to hit me at the back of my head to wake me up because as much as i know it is important to prepare now, my pace of revision is somewhat slow. Perhaps it's because exams will only come about around March next year thats why i am still not at full steam. But back to reality, when i look at the chunk of notes that i have to digest by then,i am starting to get worried. Got to start the engines before it is too late. Got to study derrick, even if it was bit by bit. Slowly we will pick up speed.

Other than that, i have also been trying to stick to my regime of alternating going to the gym and swimming while having 1 or 2 days of rest in between. You see i have always been slightly underweight (the reason i was downgraded to PES B) hence i felt that it was time for me to put on a few kilograms, probably in the form of muscles. So far so good, several weeks of training have gone by and my weight has increased by about 2kg, more to come, hoping to break the 60kg mark real soon.

Relationship with babe is still going strong as ever. We are into our 10th month now and boy am i hungry for so many more! To sum it all up, she is a girl that is really very hard to find. Why i say so is because it is not everyday that you find a girl who shares so many things in common with you. Who would cherish you just as much or even more than the amount you cherish her. Who would always be there for you, supporting you in the things you do. Who would just indulge in the simple pleasures of life with you. Who is just simple and down to earth without the need for makeup and as well as to act as a different person in ur presence. These are just the things i look for in my partner and soul mate. Nevermind that here and there we have slight differences, nevermind that sometimes we think in opposite directions and go against one another stubbornly. Nevermind if she wasn't a super model. All that i needed and yearned for i have found in her and if it is gonna take a whole lot of understanding and compromising for us to reach the end, then that is exactly what i am going to put in because she is just the one for me.

Chirstmas is coming up. Initially it would have been my very first christmas with a girlfriend but sadly, this would have to wait till at least next year because this year,i will be away on holiday in Korea with my family.Prior to the booking of the trip,i was really looking forward to spending christmas with babe, going around to take in the christmas spirit with her. but sadly, we would not be able to do so this year. Well nevermind, so long as we remain together, i am sure that there will be plenty of chances for us to spend this special day together. Someday, i even want to set up a christmas tree with her in our own home=). As for now, looks like this year, we will be spending chirstmas miles apart but no worries, i'm sure we'll still be in one another's heart and for sure babe will receive a christmas day wishing from me, you will never be forgotten ok!

Sort of interested in setting up a miniature aquarium installed with live plants but the only fauna would be shrimps. Yes you got me right, shrimps but not those you can eat. These guys are really brightly coloured and they are highly prized in the aquarium world. Would love to try to breed them and probably sell them. However, to conceptualise my plan of setting up another tank, i need the finances and more importantly, the approval of my parents because i need to find a place to put it while at the same time, it would consume electricity once again. Click on the link below to see for yourselves what i mean by these beautiful babies.

With the US greenback at an all time low, was considering speculating in it however i am a little wary because afterall,it would be my own money which i am using and i am kind of afraid that i would not be able to recoup my investment. Guess i shall wait out and see for the time being while trying to persuade my dad to see if he is willing to provide me with some form of financial assistance.

Well,thats about all i have for now,till next time, stay tuned for further updates=).


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