Monday, February 11, 2008

Whats the future like?

After having spent 6yrs together,a couple goes apart. This left me thinking about my own future as i lament about how a bond that kept them together for so long can just break like that. I used to think that relationships are forever. I always thought that as long as 2 people stay together over a certain period of time, they'll be able to last till marriage. But i guess that with this example, i am proven wrong. It really takes alot for a relationship to withstand the test of time and merely gifts or the words " i love you" are simply insufficient to sustain a relationship. Just like 2 hands are needed to clap, both individuals must be devoted to the relationship and no problem should be big enough to break them up. I hope that despite having just marked only our 1st yr together, and that couple failing, babe and i will be able to make it through and go a step further towards realising our dreams together.


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