Monday, December 25, 2006

The Breakup

Was in Perth Australia with my family and relatives from the 16th of dec till 25th of dec on holdiay and while there,i got the chance to watch many movies,one of them i feel deserves a mention----The Breakup.

The show is basically about a couple who had some disagreements during a point in the relationship and it was about the man not showing his appreciation for the lady when she needed it.The man basically took the lady for granted and felt that she was being overboard to request that he helped her with the dishes and spent some time going places with her.In the end,a breakup was initiated but both parties refused to back down and reconciliate. Instead,they went to great lengths to spite one another and that included bringing home other men and women as well as doing things that they would normally not have done when they were still together.As part of the breakup plan,the house that they had co-owned was put up for sale and eventually sold with 2 weeks grace given for them to move out.When the relationship seemed totally lost,a ray of hope seemed to appear when the man finally came to his senses and prepared a meal for the lady for the first time. But he was disappointed and got the wrong idea when he saw her returning home with another man who was only there to see an art piece which the girl had in the house.Thereafter,the girl also took a shot at trying to patch things up by inviting the guy to watch a concert with her and the guy agreed to go after checking if it was really just the 2 of them only.Sadly though,the guy never turned up for the concert and when confronted about the matter,he replied that something else cropped up and he never knew how significant the concert was to the lady. In the end,the day to move out of the house really came and that spelt the end of the relationship for the 2 of them.Both of them then went about leading their own seperate lives--the lady going on a long trip while the guy persuing an occupation he really loved.The show then concluded with a coincidental meeting between the 2 of them one day and for a moment,it left me thinking that this would mean that they would have another chance to start afresh and get back together again but then again,there was a twist in the story and both of them never patched up. That was how the movie ended and i guess i could draw some similarity from it when i look back upon my past relationship.I too had a breakup partially because i never understood my girlfriend enough and took her for granted then.Thereafter,i tried to do somethings to show as if i was really fine about the whole matter but in reality,i was still pinning hopes about a patch up and finally like the show,the patch up never ever occured and both of us went on with our own lives. What a show that depicted the exact same things that happened in my life.


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