Monday, December 11, 2006

Which is more important?

Hmmm,while working at the zoo,a question arose inside of me. Which exactly is more important--the welfare of the animals, the happiness of the public or the security of one's A**? For me,if i were to rank,i would go with welfare of animals first,followed by happiness of the public and finally the security of my A**. Why i ranked them in this order is because i felt that since it being a zoo,the primary objective is to raise awareness of the animals that make their home there and how to better raise awareness than through exhibiting healthy,lively animals.Secondly of course the visitors are important as they are what makes the zoo function. Without them,who would view these animals? Without them,who are our intended audience for raising awareness to? So definately,their happiness is important but it is secondary to the welfare of the animals.We cannot force the animal to do something just to ensure that the visitor is happy. Instead it is the other way round--that it is what the animal does naturally that makes the visitors happy. And finally,we come to the security of our A**. This is because if the first 2 conditions are never met,we would either end up with animals in poor condition or end up inviting lots of complaints from unhappy visitors. These 2 factors are good enough for us to get into lots of trouble with the management and hence have our A** whooped. Unfortunately though,there are those who do not have their priorities arranged this way. They chose to arrange it the other way around. With the security of their A** being of utmost priority,followed by the happiness of visitors and finally,the welfare of the animals. It is really sad that they chose to see things this way--to neglect the well being of the animals just so that visitors will be happy and so that they would appear as ideal workers infront of the management heads.Perhaps even some of the management staff have the same wrong priorities set but if it was me in the top ranks,i'd say ignore all the protocols. We are working in the zoo and if the animals are not happy,then might as well call it a circus. I am not keen to see workers who would demonstrate to me how rigid about rules they can be,instead,i would like to see workers who truly have a passion for the job--to really love animals and let the rest of the factors just fall in place nicely by themselves.


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