Wednesday, January 31, 2007

30/01/07 - 31/01/07

These 2 dates hold a special meaning to me now because it marks the brand new start of a journey for me. A journey which i have just set out upon and i am still uncertain about. But i guess i am taking it based upon faith,upon the believe that all things that have happened,they happened for a reason. For now perhaps because it is still the start of the journey so i am a little insecure,afraid that i might not be able to get to the end. It's not that i am rushing into things or whatever but rather,even being at the very beginning,i have my sights set upon wanting to reach the end.I just hope that all these can come true but i can't do it all on my own. I will need that special someone's help along the way. I can be there to help her along but then again,i'm sure that there will be times that i will lag behind and it will then be her turn to nudge me back on track. I sure hope we can make it through together. As for the events that took place,well basically,it was spent at vivocity where we caught apocalypto together followed by going over to sentosa where we stayed on over at the beach till about 11plus. It was really a very nice feeling to have spent the day out with her and all i am hoping for is that there will be many more such occasions to come in the future.


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