Saturday, February 03, 2007


I'm now waiting for my 4.45pm polar bearsfeeding to start and in the meantime,i thought that i might as well use the time to blog alittle about how the day has been for me. Well because of the fact that today is a saturday,it basically means that i would be spending the time after work with my family.Well,this also means that i am unable to come to work as well as go home together with that special someone as much as i want to. But i guess it's alright. Although for sure i would be missing her but then again to look on the bright side of things,i got to see her alot today and the next time i would be meeting her again would be real soon,on tuesday or even as early as tomorrow or monday..haha.But i must say that it is always so good to see her. Oh well,i guess thats wad love is all about eh? lol...constantly longing to see that person and when u finally see him/her,you'd be over moon. As for the rest of my day,it went on pretty well,i was rather satisfied with my feedings on the whole but the primate's kingdom feeding that took place just awhile ago was horrible---horrible not because i screwed it up but rather because the number of people who came was really miserable especially when it is a saturday today. Well well,i'm sure that polar bears later will be jammed packed but i'll be praying that the crowd won't be rowdy..i'm losing my voice.And oh! while i am typing this blog,she called...haha,nice to hear her voice but sadly can't see her cause i didn't go and look for her=X..too far for me..But nevermind,i will be passing by her location later so shall see her then. Time to end here,ciao!


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