Wednesday, January 31, 2007
These 2 dates hold a special meaning to me now because it marks the brand new start of a journey for me. A journey which i have just set out upon and i am still uncertain about. But i guess i am taking it based upon faith,upon the believe that all things that have happened,they happened for a reason. For now perhaps because it is still the start of the journey so i am a little insecure,afraid that i might not be able to get to the end. It's not that i am rushing into things or whatever but rather,even being at the very beginning,i have my sights set upon wanting to reach the end.I just hope that all these can come true but i can't do it all on my own. I will need that special someone's help along the way. I can be there to help her along but then again,i'm sure that there will be times that i will lag behind and it will then be her turn to nudge me back on track. I sure hope we can make it through together. As for the events that took place,well basically,it was spent at vivocity where we caught apocalypto together followed by going over to sentosa where we stayed on over at the beach till about 11plus. It was really a very nice feeling to have spent the day out with her and all i am hoping for is that there will be many more such occasions to come in the future.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Some updates
Haven't been blogging for a few days now probably because i have been busy....well,busy talking to someone on the phone---you know who you are..haha(kena shot). It's hard to believe but right now,i am actually typing this entry at my workplace -- the zoo. Don't worry,i am not slacking. I am only doing it during my official break time which is now. The day has been pretty fine,rather cloudy though and today i was originally rostered to work at animal land,cleaning the dog cages and stuff but apparently one of my colleague took mc so the roster was changed and here i am doing token 1 instead. On the whole the feedings were alright but i screwed up here and there. Oh man,whats happening to me,mixing up the scripts and leaving out some important parts. Perhaps it's because of the lack of practice or perhaps it's because i am tired( not enough sleep you see=P). But then again,the past 3 days have been fine,working at animal land washing cages playing with dogs. Cool huh?! Sadly though she isn't working at the zoo for the time being as she has to go back to school so i don't get to see her. But that isn't the end of the world,she will be back next week and i will be looking forward to it but in the meantime,work continues and infact it's getting pretty fun! Oh yar,yesterday was my cousin michelle's birthday. Went to her house for her party and boy was there alot of people so it was kind of crammed. Hmm,wonder how would my own 21st birthday party be. Would i have a girlfriend by then? Lol. We'll see. Alright,time to get back to work=). Hopefully the rest of the feedings would be better.Haha!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Take that - PRAY
Pardon the poor quality of the video and just listen to the song. I first heard it when i was at The Cathay with JJ about 2 weeks back and apparently it was a video of them singing live at one of their concerts. Went on to search for the song in youtube as i really like the chorus and the old 1993 version turned up in the search engine.
Just a point to note. If you would like to listen to the music,do scroll down to the end of the page and pause the background music that is playing before starting the video.Do enjoy=)
Just a point to note. If you would like to listen to the music,do scroll down to the end of the page and pause the background music that is playing before starting the video.Do enjoy=)
Mario Vasquez --- Gallery
This is the lyrics to the song that you guys are listening to now while looking at my blog. I like the beat and the tune of the song and it so happens that i can identify with this song as it is rather similar to how i am feeling right now. Strangely though,it is her who introduced this song to me. She was listening to radio the other day when she heard this song and felt that it was similar to my situation so she told me about it. Apparently the more important thing was that after the song dedication,the person who dedicated the song happened to be a DERRICK as well. She was amazed by it and asked if it was me and i said no. I was also suprised at the coincidence of the whole situation. Well perhaps it can mean something but well,lets see how things go. In the meantime,enjoy the song=)
God broke the mold,
When he made this one I know
She's breathtaking but so much more
She walks in the room, your loves closed
Making you never want to breathe again
Her boyfriend has got so much dough
So much ice his neck and wrist froze
Is he faithful to her? Hell no
But she chose to be with him, shorty
Tell me is the money worth your soul
Tell me what's the reason that you hold on
When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you
And girl you're just way too fine
Gotta be treated as one of a kind
Girl use your mind
Don't be just another dime
Because I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be,
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
In his gallery
She's so confused
She knows she deserves more
Someone who will love and adore
But his money's hard to ignore
She really doesn't know what to do
Girl it's just a matter of time
Before he finds another more fine
After he's done dulling your shine
You're out the door and he's through with you
Tell me is the money worth your soul
Tell me what's the reason that you hold on,
When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you
And girl you're just way too fine
Gotta be treated as one of a kind
Girl use your mind
Don't be just another dime
I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
In his gallery
You're a masterpiece
I know that he
Can't appreciate your beauty
Don't let him cheapen you
He don't see you like I do
Beautiful not just for show
Time that someone let you know
I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
In his gallery
In his gallery
God broke the mold,
When he made this one I know
She's breathtaking but so much more
She walks in the room, your loves closed
Making you never want to breathe again
Her boyfriend has got so much dough
So much ice his neck and wrist froze
Is he faithful to her? Hell no
But she chose to be with him, shorty
Tell me is the money worth your soul
Tell me what's the reason that you hold on
When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you
And girl you're just way too fine
Gotta be treated as one of a kind
Girl use your mind
Don't be just another dime
Because I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be,
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
In his gallery
She's so confused
She knows she deserves more
Someone who will love and adore
But his money's hard to ignore
She really doesn't know what to do
Girl it's just a matter of time
Before he finds another more fine
After he's done dulling your shine
You're out the door and he's through with you
Tell me is the money worth your soul
Tell me what's the reason that you hold on,
When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you
And girl you're just way too fine
Gotta be treated as one of a kind
Girl use your mind
Don't be just another dime
I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
In his gallery
You're a masterpiece
I know that he
Can't appreciate your beauty
Don't let him cheapen you
He don't see you like I do
Beautiful not just for show
Time that someone let you know
I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
I can't take
Seeing you with him'
Cuz I know exactly what you'll be
In his gallery
It's just not fair
And it's tearing me apart
You're just another priceless work of art
In his gallery
In his gallery
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Today after work,met up with her for dinner as JJ could not make it to meet up with me like what we always did. Anyway,she brought me to this really cool place known as Liquid Kitchen located along Upper Thomson Road where we had our dinner as well as had a drink..Well to be exact i had one and she had 2 to drink(i paid for it this time round haha!).Throughout the whole time,i could notice that she was quite sad although she tried her best to conceal it with the occasional smiles.I really wished that there was something that i could do to make her feel better. Maybe give her a shoulder to cry on or a hug to comfort her but i don't want to overstep the border.Instead,i just tried to cheer her up by talking to her and coming up with something funny every now and then. There were times too that i asked about the guy she liked and although i ended up feeling sad myself,at least i got her to talk about things so she could express herself. Thereafter,we took a pretty long walk back to her house which lasted about 1/2hr and along the way,we talked,listened to songs and even sang along to the music.I did not regret a single bit of it and instead i really enjoyed walking with her. Sadly though the status between me and her cannot be elevated to another level.It's alright,maybe time can change things around. Perhaps someday God will give me a chance to take care of her.I'll be praying but even if He doesn't,it is alright,at least i got this far=).
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The terminal
Now if you happen to have caught the show the terminal which has Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta Jones as it's cast,you would roughly have an idea of the situation i am in. It seems as though my current life is like the movie and what i am going through is similar to that of what Tom Hank's character went through.No i am not stuck in a terminal but rather just like Tom Hank's character,I happen to fall for a girl who would never ever be with me. Perhaps I may be able to move her along the way and make her see the good side of me but then again,at the end of the day,her heart would still be elsewhere and when the dust settles down,i will never ever find her by my side.It's like despite how bad the other party may be,at the end of the day,she would still return to him knowing that she would get hurt and as for me,i would just have to forget everything and learn how to let go.Well that is basically how i am feeling now. It's like here i am all willing to be there for this girl and take care and shower her with my love but then again,i will not get the chance to really do all these because there simply is no avenue for me to do so.No i am not sad or anything and i am not going to cry(don't worry guys) but rather,i am disappointed that despite me being a better person as compared to the person she likes,i just can't move her at all. I figured out that probably the longest i can wait would be till i quit my job at the zoo as after that,i doubt i'll have the chance to really see her and be there for her then. In the meantime,i'll still be her listening ear and her friend to share her problems,thats something which i should be contented enough.
Friday, January 19, 2007
The unfair side of life.
Today after work,i was already halfway on my journey home at the Ang Mo Kio bus stop waiting for 74 to come when it so happened that i received a call from her. She had asked if i was willing to have dinner with her so i said yes.Told my mum not to leave any food for me at home as i will not be back for dinner. So i met her at around 7.30pm and proceeded to have dinner with her comprising of Mos Burger(my first time eating it)and she paid for it...gosh.... During the meal,we talked quite abit but somehow there were certain parts where i did not know what to say to her. My thoughts just weren't flowing in the right direction. After the meal,accompanied her to purchase a new handphone and i saw how she liked this particular model so much but it was above her budget.At that moment i really wanted to help chip in to buy the handphone but i was hesitant to do so simply because it was weird for me to do it.I simply had no reason to do so and it would be stupid to try to cook up one. After that,i walked her home,and it took us about 20mins. Along the way as usual we chatted but there were still phases of silence and there were some thoughts running through my head at that point of time. I felt sad that here i am liking this girl and it seems to be growing as i get to know her better but yet on the other hand she likes someone else.Call it the unfair side of life but there is really nothing i can do about it. Try as i may to stop thinking so much,i am slowly falling for her. There was even this point of time when we came to a junction without traffic lights and a car was heading towards our direction but still quite some distance away. I was about to cross but then i saw that she wasn't. I then passed a casual comment that i would have held her hand but then again reality presented itself to me...If she did not fancy anyone,i could have done just that in a moment of irrational thinking but then again,her heart was with another person so i stopped short of doing anything foolish. After awhile we reached her block and i saw her all the way home to her doorstep. She was telling me about how unsafe her area was and for a moment,i wished i could be the one to see her home safely everyday...I wouldn't mind....Nvm,enough said,time to go to bed and stop thinking so much...Being good friends is already a great blessing to me.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
A pleasant suprise=)
Just to cut the long story short,yesterday while at work,i had the chance to talk to her and in the midst of it,she asked me for my number and said that she would contact me later. After work,she messaged me her number and we then agreed to meet online to talk. After about an hour of chatting online,she asked me if i wanted to talk over the phone instead as her hands were getting tired. So i said yes and we ended up talking over the phone. The interesting thing was that while i was talking to her,i could feel how easily i could converse with her. There was no need for me to hesitate and think about what i wanted to say but instead the words just came out naturally. Through the conversation,i got to know her alot better and i was amazed at the fact that we had quite alot in common. I was also able to relate to her easily and vice versa. we just went on and on like that and before we knew it,we had been on the phone for quite some time. Anyway,it was really nice that i got to talk to her like that and be given the chance to get to know her so much better. For now,perhaps we can talk like that again and who knows,maybe face to face as well. We'll see how things go along but in the meantime,i won't think so much. We're good friends and as for the future,lets leave it all to fate yeah=)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Dip in morale
I just don't know why but these days,there seems to have been a dip in morale for me in reference to work. Perhaps it's because of more and more of the dark side of things that i see that is slowly snuffing out the fire that is burning in me.I still love animals,especially the birds and dogs and i still like my job but i guess it's the things that take place at work which really demoralises me.First up,i've been exposed to people who practise double standards. I shan't elaborate but basically it's about the expression of favouritism to special groups of people.I've also come across lots of a** covering people who only care about their personal well being.On top of that,i do not feel the teamwork which is supposed to be existent in my department.There is also the cracking of jokes which i don't seem to have a clue about. It's as though i am from another planet. It's so much easier working with animals at times if you were to compare them with people. At least animals don't make a joke out of you and go about criticising you for things you did not do wrong.Oh what the heck,another 6 more months to go and i am out of here.This is really not a place for me to work long. Just get the experience and that will do. If i love animals,i can always come back as a visitor in future.My stint as a staff will end come the end of june. Ah,i just need my off day...
Friday, January 12, 2007
Rainy day at work...
From the moment i woke up,it has been raining and this went on the entire day,on my way to and from work and even while at work as well.Well,the rain was both good and bad in a way. It was good because the rain brought with it so much lesser visitors to the zoo and hence lesser work load. Basically what happened was at about 3pm,i was told to send all the birds at the photography area back to the night safari instead of the usual 5pm since the number of visitors were practically insignificant and because the poor birds were shivering due to the cold.The rain also brought with it some inconvenience,my bus was caught in a major traffic jam this morning and i was nearly late for work.The rain also caused me to be drenched and like the birds,i was cold only not shivering,haha. Today she also did not report for work,perhaps because she got another day off or perhaps because she was on MC. I kept looking out for her but she never appeared. However,i think i can forget about the whole idea regarding her altogether.Apparently what happened was yesterday when i was off(it was her off also),she had returned back to the zoo to take some pictures for her project.Although she had asked my colleagues where i was which was sort of a good thing,my colleague then went on to comment that i was single and asked if she was. She replied that she was also which sounded rather promising. But according to my colleague,she then said that she prefered malay guys and guys who played around. I fit neither of the above so i guess i can forget about the whole idea altogether. Staying as friends is good enough,don't hope for so much yeah?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Praise the lord!
Ok i'll make this quick. Basically it is about my uncle and his family whom i had mentioned in my earlier posting regarding prayers.Apparently i had just learnt from my mum that the entire family has been saved! Saved as in they have all become christians! I mean,what great news is that! Not 1 not 2 but the entire family of 6! God is really a God of wonders and He must have did something in their lives to have triggered off such a reaction. I am totally amazed by what has happened and at the same time,i am really glad that they have taken this step of faith=). Now all i am hoping for is that the same can happen to my family...I'll be praying that one day,i can wake up and realise that my family too have all become christians,hallelujah! Lol.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Kana Sai..
Argh! Today i got bitten by one of the psychotic parrots twice while doing bird phtography.Once while trying to shift them from the shelter into the open and another while feeding it(can you believe it?!). I mean,so much for not biting the hand that feeds you...haha. Anyway,i think that bird hates me or maybe she hasn't understood me enough. Afterall,it's the first time that she spent the entire day out with me.Hopefully i won't get to handle it again but if i really have to,lets just hope she won't bite me anymore or perhaps if she really has to bite me,please do it gentler.Lol. But then agian,birds aside,the day was pretty good,especially when she came by a few times and talked to me but sadly though,we didn't get the chance to really talk much. Didn't see her at the bus stop once again but although i was a little disappointed,it was alright,i'm not going to hope so much. Leave it all to fate yeah?Haha.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Blood Diamond

Pictures taken from:
Set against the backdrop of the chaos and civil war that enveloped 1990s Sierra Leone, "Blood Diamond" is the story of Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio), an ex-mercenary from Zimbabwe, and Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou), a Mende fisherman. Both men are African, but their histories and their circumstances are as different as any can be until their fates become joined in a common quest to recover a rare pink diamond, the kind of stone that can transform a life...or end it.
Solomon, who has been taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields, finds the extraordinary gem and hides it at great risk, knowing if he is discovered, he will be killed instantly. But he also knows the diamond could not only provide the means to save his wife and daughters from a life as refugees but also help rescue his son, Dia, from an even worse fate as a child soldier.
Archer, who has made his living trading diamonds for arms, learns of Solomon's hidden stone while in prison for smuggling. He knows a diamond like this is a once-in-a-lifetime find—valuable enough to be his ticket out of Africa and away from the cycle of violence and corruption in which he has been a willing player.
Enter Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), an idealistic American journalist who is in Sierra Leone to uncover the truth behind conflict diamonds, exposing the complicity of diamond industry leaders who have chosen profits over principles. Maddy seeks out Archer as a source for her article, but soon finds it is he who needs her even more.
With Maddy's help, Archer and Solomon embark on a dangerous trek through rebel territory. Archer needs Solomon to find and recover the valuable pink diamond, but Solomon seeks something far more precious...his son.
Taken from:
Taken from:
On the whole,i found the show well worth the ticket price. Not only was it a 2hr plus show,the storyline and movie setting far surpassed my expectations. I decided to watch the movie with JJ without much of a clue of what it was really about.All i knew was that there was this really precious diamond which everyone was on the hunt for. Never did i expect that there is infact a story that goes along with the diamond. Apparently,the diamond is quite unlike any other as it is pinkish and as mentioned in the show,some people actually believe that the reason it is pink is because the earth where it is mined from is where there has been plenty of blood shedding.The story basically revolves around conflict diamonds(diamonds that were not mined by willing miners but by unwilling slaves). It is sad to know how a continent like Africa can be overwhelmed by civil war sparked off mainly by the greed surrounding diamonds as well as other precious resources like oil and gold. Besides that,the movie also centralised upon the love of a father,about how despite the many dangers and setbacks,still keeps him going on his quest to save his son and family.Although the show failed to move me,it really painted a picture regarding conflict diamonds which i had never knew about.The facts to me were really eye opening and from it,i could better understand the plight of the African people.The action sequences in the show was pretty applaudable as well and since it was a movie about war,the fighting scenes really kept my eyes peeled upon the screen.To sum it all up,i would recommend watching the show to get a better insight on whats going on in the world out there.At the same time,do look out for some of the messages that the show is trying to bring across to us--the strength of a father's every person is just a human being but whether we are good or bad depends on what we do......the importance of purchasing conflict free diamonds or better still,to stay away from them completely(i pity the ladies haha.)



Sunday, January 07, 2007
My prayers
I was not aware about the incident but apparently after me,my family and my relatives returned back to Singapore from our trip to Perth,Australia, my uncle was readmitted into hospital. This time round apparently the doctor had some bad news. According to what i heard from my mum,the doctor had informed that for the time being,my uncle's condition was still under the control of medication however in the long run,he still had to make the decision on whether to go for dialysis or to have a kidney transplant from my aunt. My mum was also saying about how their family was experiencing some financial difficulties at this moment. At this moment,my heart really goes out to my uncle,aunt and their children. It is indeed a trying moment for them having to face this problem. My uncle may also face the possibility of losing his job and although he is not the sole bread winner of the family,him losing his job will mean that the burden upon my aunt will be much greater. Furthermore,all their children are still very young,with the oldest one having just completed her O'levels.On top of that,there is still the impending medical bill for them to worry about. My most sincere prayers really go out to them,i pray that they will be able to make it through this hurdle and emerge unscathed. Let this just be a harmless scare and just a lesson to help bind their family stronger together.Let nothing happen to my uncle and his family.Let them remain strong and be able to make it through it all. In jesus name,i pray,amen=).
Friday, January 05, 2007
What am i to do?
Sometimes,I feel as though i am at the crossroads when it comes to certain decisions in life.This is when i am not sure if i should take option A or B. It is like you worry that if you were to take option A,you may end up making the wrong choice as option B should have been the one and vice versa. In other words,you are afraid of making the wrong choice for fear of regretting it later in life. I guess i am in such a situation now. I am not sure if i should just try to get to know this girl better or should i just forget about the whole thing because it is kind of hard for me to do so especially when i don't really see her around that often. Somehow i feel that she is a nice girl yet on the other hand,i do not know how and where to start. I am also afraid of scaring her off and making her feel repulsive towards me. Haha,oh well,lets just leave things as it is now and see how things go. Maybe a miracle can happen along the way.Lol
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
What a day
It is the 2nd of Jan. Hmm this day isn't entirely good or bad. But rather it is just an ordinary day with some extraordinary experiences. Well for a start,i did token 1 on a buddy system today.Unlike the other buddy experiences which i had where i was the one who was being buddied,this time round,it was my turn to buddy someone else. To be specific,i buddied a new colleague of mine,charlene as she went about doing her token 1 trial. My duty was basically to observe her commentary and give feedback as well as prompt her in places which she may have forgotten.On the whole,her commentary was pretty good,at least by my standards. She was rather sponteneous and used her own words in quite a number of places. This is good as by doing so,she has the freedom to express herself and will not be stuck if she were to forget a particular part of the script.Like myself,i think one of her big problems was smiling as both of us are still pretty nervous so in the midst of concentrating on our scripts,we may have forgotten our smiles.Haha. Anyway,back to the day,everything went on fine until the 1.05pm polar bears feeding today.As it was a public holiday today,the turnout was really huge and the whole polar bear exhibit was jammed packed with people. Not only were all the seats taken up,there were people crowding out the area infront of the viewing panels as well as at the sides. There was literally no space for movement at all. Looking at the situation we had before us,charlene and i decided to make the announcement for all those who were infront of the viewing panels to squat and sit down so others behind could get a view of the feeding. At the same time,i managed to barricade one side of the view panel area so that no one else could come in. Unfortunately for the other side of the barricade,there was far too many people and i could not get them to move away for me to barricade that area as well so in the end,i left that area open. Despite the rowdy crowd,the commentary went on and during parts of it,charlene had to actually pause to get people in the front row who stood up because of the excitement to sit back down to avoid blocking the view of others. All throughout the time,i was also desperately trying to get a couple of people to sit down so that others could enjoy the show. After much trouble,the feeding ended and as we were making our way out,this chinese man approached us looked at our name tags and said "what are your names.....derrick and charlene....i am going to complain against the 2 of you". He went on to talk about how he had waited for 1hr for the show just to be blocked by the people who had gathered in the area of the unbarricaded viewing panels. He then went on to comment on how we could have done better crowd control and could have given out tickets so people were seated according to numbers and at the same time how we could have barricaded up the whole place. All throughout,we smiled at him and charlene went on to explain to him how we had tried several times to get the people in the front to squat down and cooperate with us. He refused to listen to our explaination and commented that we could have used "our pig brains" and to "wait for his e.mail". Well,so much for a day at work..But well,it really wasn't our fault anyway. We had already tried our best. Imagine there was 2 of us and the situation was already like that. What more if it was only one person on his own which was usually the case? After work,i went on to meet JJ,hoping to catch a movie but unfortunately the ones we wanted to watch were already sold out. So in the end,we went to play lan and halfway through,JJ wanted to leave as he had wanted to go and meet his ex-girlfriend as she was alone in the area. This was not the first time that something like that had actually happened and apparently it was the case most of the time. Even when it was me he had decided to meet up with first,if his ex-girlfriend were to ask him for company,he would relent and then choose to say goodbye to me,even when an off day for me right now is so hard to come by. I am not angry with him,just disappointed that as much as he always tells me things like me not being able to make choices resulting in problems for myself,he is facing the same problem as well,infact much more than me. Basically his problem is that on one hand,he keeps saying that he and his ex-girlfriend are through yet the next moment,he would do things like these. I guess he needs to be able to really decide what path he wants to take as well as learn how to prioritise. What i mean is,since a person has already agreed to meet someone,then follow through with it,not leave that someone halfway through to meet up with another person.It just goes to show how much value is put into certain things.Oh well,gonna spend my off day tomorrow by myself. Perhaps just slacking around.
Monday, January 01, 2007
The New Year
Ah,how time flies. In just the blink of an eye,the year has passed just like that.And before we know it,it is already the year 2007. Now for a brief recap of 2006....2006 saw me completing my national service and finding a job at the zoo.It was also the year that i got to meet up with my pri sch friends,some of them whom i have not met for the past 8 years ever since we graduated. Other than that,there are not many other major incidents for me to actually talk about. On the whole 2006 was a year filled with lots of happiness that were made possible by the people around me,both family and friends..thank you everyone=). As for the year 2007,i guess i have several new year resolutions to fulfill. As i was telling JJ,hopefully i can spend christmas this year with someone special(provided i get to meet her and sorry JJ,i will still celebrate your 21st b'dae) as valentine's day will be a little too soon.I would also hope to get into a course of my choice but if i cannot,it is ok,i just hope to be able to have the strength to really study hard in whatever course i end up with and excel in my grades. Personally,i would also like to get myself a SLR camera and go around taking pictures(currently i am in the process of selecting the camera and where to get it from). Other then that i think i am pretty contented. Just want myself and the people around me to stay happy,be ever so blessed and remain healthy=).At the same time,i would also to give special attention to the first day of the new year.Last night while many others around the world were counting down and ushering the new year,i was asleep on my bed,in preparation for work today. Yes,i had work today(the zoo is open every single day). Sadly then i had to miss the countdown and did not get a glimpse of the spectacular fireworks display. Nevermind,there will be better ones the next time when i am able to catch it and who knows,someone special may just be by my side then making it all the more special...Ah,how i hope that can come true(me and my numerous dreams again,lol). Work was pretty fine today. Did token 1 by myself as the person whom i was suppose to buddy and observe did not turn up. Was kind of rusty and there were parts which i stumbled upon. Other than that,the day went on pretty well. At the end of it all,i met my parents at Ang Mo Kio central for dinner and while waiting for them,i got to see a rare sight,2 rainbows together,one on top of the other.At that point of time,i felt so comforted and something in my heart told me that everything was going to be fine. Now perhaps it was a sign to tell me that my wishes could probably all come true=). Now i shall believe in that by faith and trust that it shall be fulfilled. What a start to the new year,haha. Happy new year to all=) 

Due to the poor quality of my camera phone(it is only 1.3 megapixels),the second rainbow is not really very visible but if you look above the rainbow which is easily visible,you may be able to make out the faint outline of the second rainbow. Trust me,when i saw it in real life,it was much more obvious.


Due to the poor quality of my camera phone(it is only 1.3 megapixels),the second rainbow is not really very visible but if you look above the rainbow which is easily visible,you may be able to make out the faint outline of the second rainbow. Trust me,when i saw it in real life,it was much more obvious.